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1. Condition Monitoring System Development for Wind Turbine
Funding Agency-Adani Green Energy Ltd.
Grant (in INR)-

PI: Prof. S. Fatima
Co-PI: Prof. Deepak Kumar (CART, IIT Delhi) and Prof. B.K. Panigrahi (Electrical Engineering, IIT Delhi)

Project Status- Ongoing

A dedicated Condition Monitoring System (CMS) will be developed and deployed for the wind turbine. The CMS will be developed by combining precise sensors and tools for testing and monitoring wind turbine components. The overall health of the wind turbine will be monitored along with the scope of identifying exact faults for easy maintenance.

2. Production of Acoustic Materials and Commodity Chemicals from Agro-residual Waste
Funding Agency-DST
Grant (in INR)-75 Lakhs
Duration-2020 to 2022

PI: Prof. S. Fatima
Co-PI: Prof. M. Ali Haider (Chemical Engineering, IIT Delhi)

Project Status- Ongoing

State of the art technologies involved in the chemical processing of agricultural residue biomass are aimed towards the production of fuels and chemical-grade materials. Herein, an innovative strategy is introduced to transform cellulosic residues to industrial-grade acoustic materials with simultaneous production of high-value chemicals. In this interdisciplinary approach, bio-based solvents will be utilized to extract cellulosic material from agro-residual waste (rice straw). Subsequently, the cellulosic material will be used in the fabrication of acoustic materials for testing in an industrial setup, and the remaining pretreatment residue will be chemically transformed into a high-value biorenewable chemical. 

3. Development of Noise Control Materials from Waste Biomass
Funding Agency-FIRP, IIT Delhi
Grant (in INR)-10 Lakhs
Duration-2020 to 2022

PI: Prof. S. Fatima
Co-PI: Prof. K.K. Pant (Chemical Engineering, IIT Delhi)

Project Status- Ongoing

The main aim of the project is to get rid of biomass waste, eliminate agricultural crop residue burning, and prevent forest fire hazards caused due to the fallen leaves. Additionally, also provides potential in the production of value-added products, attempt to reduce import dependence, enhance sustainability of agricultural practices, increase in livelihood generation opportunities, and reduction in environmental emissions. State of the art techniques seeks the utilization of sustainable biomass resources for the fabrication of acoustic materials to reduce the environmental externalities of the synthetic materials generally utilized for this purpose.

4. Conversion of Waste Biomass/Agro Residue to Biochar and Value-Added Products
PI: Prof. K.K. Pant (Chemical Engineering, IIT Delhi)
Co-PI: Prof. S. Fatima
Project Status- 

The project will utilize biomass waste to produce for the fabrication of acoustic materials. A suitable mechanism will be developed to encourage social inclusion by recommending carbon credits or tax benefits to the people who utilize their waste at the source of generation. In this work, an innovative strategy is introduced to utilize thermo-catalytic conversion of waste biomass such as sugarcane bagasse, wheat straw, rice husk, corncob, and bamboo to produce biochar which will be transformed to produce industry grade materials.

5. Development of Eco-friendly Materials for Acoustical Applications
Funding Agency-DST
Grant (in INR)-35 Lakhs
Duration-2015 to 2020

PI: Prof. S. Fatima
Co-PI: Prof. N. Tandon (CART, IIT Delhi)
Project Status- Completed

Commercial noise control materials such as glass wool, mineral wool, and polymeric foams are well known as traditional sound absorbers. However, these materials have issues like Biodegradability, high health risk, and non-recyclability. These environmental and health issues associated with traditional noise control materials demand alternative solutions. Therefore, this project explores a noise control material (sound absorber) from industrial waste and natural sources in various forms such as fibers, non-woven mats, etc. The sound-absorbing materials using denim shoddy, waste jute fiber, nettle fiber, nut leaf sheath fiber, and aloe fiber have been successfully developed to serve the purpose. Also, the experimental setups for airflow resistivity and impedance tube for acoustical characterization of the developed materials have been fabricated, calibrated, and utilized to compute the required properties.  


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